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Friday, 15 December 2017


Mohammed Dewji, CEO, Mohammed Enterprises.
The Management of Mohammed Enterprises (T) Limited (MeTL) has expressed readiness to cooperate with government officials to assess development of its Sisal estates located at Mazinde, Mabogo and Kwalukongwe in Korogwe district, Tanga Region.

The commitment follows reports that Deputy Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development, Ms Angelina Mabula, has issued directives for revocation of tittle deeds of all undeveloped Sisal farms in the district and elsewhere in the country.

Speaking in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday, MeTL subsidiaries Manager, Mr Ndekirwa Nnyari said the company has undertaken major development at the farms since it acquired them in 2000 from Ralli Estates Limited which ran bankrupt.

“Soon after acquiring the estates, we installed new machinery, employed workers and started re-planting Sisal. Production of the cash crop has ever since increased from 480 tonnes in 2001 to 2,200 tonnes by last year,” he pointed out.

He further said the estates in question with a combined area of 9,000 hectares have created employment for 850 workers, and thanked the government for creating investment atmosphere for them. The Manager said the Tanzania Sisal Board has been making close supervision on development of their farms, and stressed that the estates were not part of public-owned property as privatised in 2000, but owned privately.

Without going into details, Mr Nnyari said the company had acquired credit from financial institutions which were then turned to improve the facilities in the estates as well as provision of social services.

Daily News

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