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Wednesday, 12 July 2017


TCRA director general James Kilaba told operators recently that they can air their adverts only when a subscriber is checking the balance, recharging or when checking the list of services by the service provider.

Telecommunications operators in the country have surrendered to an order by Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) to stop unsolicited adverts in the caller tunes which the regulator said were against the 2015 Value Added Services (VAS) Regulations.

TCRA director general James Kilaba told operators recently that they can air their adverts only when a subscriber is checking the balance, recharging or when checking the list of services by the service provider.

The decision follows a number of complaints from subscribers who are frustrated by operators who aired not only too much but also ambiguous adverts before their calls are picked up by receivers.

Reacting to the order, some mobile firms said in separate interviews that they would follow the instructions.

“We are ready to seek permission from customers before activating any Value Added Service (VAS) as required by the regulations,” said Airtel Tanzania public relations manager Mr Jackson Mmbando.

He however warned that the move would be both advantageous and disadvantageous to subscribers.

“It would discourage misleading and ambiguous adverts in one hand but on the other side, it’s likely to lower the efficiency in offering customer care services because majority would be depending on calling centers to be informed on various services hence causing congestions on our call centre lines,” he added.

Halotel Tanzania communication officer Ms Hindu Kanyamala was also in line with TCRA’s order, saying it was good for protection of subscribers as required by Consumer Protection Rules and Regulations of 2011.

The Citizen

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