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Monday, 12 August 2024


NMB Bank’s Zanzibar Cluster Manager, Naima Said Shaame (second left), speaks during a press conference on the announcing of sponsors for the Kizimkazi Festival and outlining preparations for the event in Zanzibar. She is flanked by Mahfudh Said Omar, Chairman of the Kizimkazi Festival (center), and General Manager of the NMB Foundation, Nelson Karumuna (left). Other notable figures are Jaha Khamis, Senior Manager for NMB Bank's Government Business (right) and Dotto Magari, Ambassador of the Kizimkazi Festival (second right).

The organizing committee of the Kizimkazi Festival 2024 has officially introduced this year’s sponsors, including NMB Bank. Among other contributions, NMB plans to train over 700 entrepreneurs and hand over the Tasani Preprimary School, located in the Tasani ward of Makunduchi, Zanzibar.

The Kizimkazi Festival is a platform for launching development projects implemented by the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and development partners, including private institutions. This year's festival will be inaugurated by the President of Zanzibar, Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, on August 18.

During the sponsors' introduction, NMB Bank’s Zanzibar, cluster manager, Ms. Naima Said Shaame, announced that the bank would play a significant role in the festival, starting from today, August 12, and will continue until August 25.

"We regard this festival highly, knowing the importance of our partnership since its inception. Our participation this year will be as significant as our extensive presence as a bank," said Ms. Naima.

"NMB values economic growth both individually and nationally. We sponsor the Kizimkazi Festival because it serves as a catalyst for enhancing the economy and income of individuals and the nation as a whole," she added.

For this year's festival, NMB has outlined three major initiatives: providing training to over 700 entrepreneurs on financial literacy, investment, and strengthening their entrepreneurial activities.

"Secondly, there will be a special day called NMB Day on August 20, featuring the launch and handover of the Tasani Preparatory School to President Samia, who laid its foundation stone on August 29 last year," explained Ms. Naima.

"In addition to the handover ceremony, NMB Day will include sports activities at Dimani Field and an evening Singeli Night to open opportunities for local artists of this music genre in Zanzibar," Ms. Naima highlighted.

The third initiative by NMB during the Kizimkazi Festival 2024 is their informative booth at the exhibition grounds, which will offer financial services, educational resources on finance, and various banking information to attendees throughout the festival," reiterated Ms. Naima.

While introducing the festival sponsors, the Chairman of the Kizimkazi Festival, Mahfudh Said Omar, announced Dotto Magari as the festival ambassador for this year. Each sponsor will have designated days to fulfill their contractual obligations to broaden opportunities for facilitators.

Apart from NMB, Mahfudh recognized additional co-sponsors of the Kizimkazi Festival 2024, including the Tanzania Tourism Board, Mwanamke Initiatives Foundation, ASAS, CRDB, NBC, TADB, PBZ, TIB, In focus Studio, Livestream, DSFA, TAHA, BoT, Tallahassee Community College, and Tanzania Unforgettable.

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