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Wednesday, 21 February 2024


Minister for Finance, Mwigulu Nchemba exchanges documents with the World Bank Country Director for Tanzania, Nathan Balete after signing an agreement for a loan of 988 billion for implementation of Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project Phase II (DMDP II) in Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam: The government has signed a financial agreement worth 361.1 million Euros (about 988.93bn/-) with the World Bank, for execution of the Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project (DMDP) phase II.

Minister for Finance, Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba said the government is sincerely committed to strengthening infrastructure and promoting the economic wellbeing of the Dar es Salaam residents.

“This project is the continuation of the implementation of the Third Five Year National Development Plan and the Chama Cha Mapinduzi Election Manifesto 2020-2025 as well as the government agenda,” Dr. Nchemba said during the signing ceremony of the agreement held in Dar es Salaam yesterday.

The minister said that the FYDP III among others aims to improve the country’s infrastructures. Dr. Nchemba said the DMDP second phase will include the construction and improvement of road network to reduce traffic congestion and strengthen communication, water drainage systems as well as reduce the effects of floods.

He added that through the project, market infrastructures will be improved so as to provide opportunities for commercial and economic development.

The second phase of the project will also continue to improve important public infrastructure in Ilala, Temeke and Kinondoni districts, which were not in the first phase. The first phase of the project covered Kigamboni, Ubungo and other areas.

“The second phase of this project focused on the resilience to the impacts of climate change in infrastructure construction, and sustainable projects which are designed to mitigate the impacts of climate change,” the minister said.

The Minister noted that the World Bank is a reliable partner to the development of the country. Meanwhile, Minister of State, President’s OfficeRegional Administrations and Local Governments (PORALG), Mohamed Mchengerwa said the 250 kilometres of roads are going to be constructed during the execution of the second phase of the project.

“Through the implementation of DMDP phase one it successfully built a 207-kilometre road infrastructure, and now the project is going to build 250 km of roads,” he said.

He said these roads will be built at modern standards and will be used by Dar es Salaam residents without any damage.

Mr. Mchengerwa said Dar es Salaam has been facing a challenge of solid waste for a long time, that is why the project is going to improve and address the challenge by building modern dumps to ensure proper management of solid waste.

He said that waste management is divided into three main parts, namely solid waste collection, transportation and management. Similarly, the project will build 18 modern markets along with nine bus stations and their implementation will begin soon.

Following the destruction caused by ongoing rains in many parts of Dar es Salaam, the Minister said the project will also include construction of large canals with a total of 90 kilometres that will help to control floods.

The WB Country Director, Mr. Nathan Belete said Dar es Salaam is developing rapidly and the services and infrastructure need to keep up with this growth, a fact that has been clear for decades.

“DMDP Phase two will continue this work, including constructing over 200 kilometre of roads and 300 kilometres of drainage infrastructure. It will also upgrade markets, bus stands, parks and key urban centres,” he explained.

He said the government of Tanzania is exploring how these can be better coordinated. They are considering several options to address these issues, including establishing a Metropolitan Authority as outlined in the Dar es Salaam Master Plan.

Mr. Belete said DMDP Phase two will support 5 existing institutions and new institutions to have a city that is better planned and coordinated.

Daily News

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