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Thursday, 27 October 2022


DTB CEO, Ravneet Chowdhury addresses the bank's staff members during the launch.

Diamond Trust Bank has launched a new brand promise Bank with us, Bank on us" campaign. The campaign was launched by DTB’s Head Office staff members by having fun activities at SawaSawa Bay Beach in Mikocheni. The fun filled activities featured aerobic sessions, games and lots of team building activities.

The new brand promise not only tells the customers to bank with us, but reiterates on our capability as a dependable bank that delivers on our promises. In his inaugural speech, The CEO of Diamond Trust Bank Plc, Ravneet Chowdhury, reminded the staff in attendance about the history of the bank, the current state of affairs as well as future plans.

Diamond Trust Bank Plc recently relocated its headquarters to Masaki. The new building is equiped with new/advanced technology as well as features to help staff members serve their customers better.

DTB CEO, Ravneet Chowdhury unveils a curtain to officially launch the "Bank with us, Bank on us" campaign.

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