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Friday, 18 December 2020


It is well known that technology is transforming many societies, and more change is yet to come. Tanzania is a good example in which the internet has become increasingly present in people’s day-to-day lives. For instance, in 2013 internet penetration rates stood at roughly 20 per cent. By 2019, this had increased to 46 per cent.

Looking to the future, technology is likely to have a particularly significant impact on the world of work. According to a blog published by the World Bank, it is likely that most future jobs will require the use of some form of digital technology. As such, this makes it increasingly important to equip all people with digital skills to help them succeed.

In order to help people develop these skills, it is important that schools and educational institutions continue to tailor their ICT courses to the evolving technological landscape. This could be supported through other initiatives, such as extending ICT training across higher education facilities and continuing to support the roll-out of fast and reliable broadband connectivity more broadly.

With overall levels of internet penetration increasing – twinned with its growing young population – Tanzania is well placed for the roll-out of further digital skills training.

It should be remembered, however, that in recent years the country’s private sector has also played a key role in ensuring the provision of digital skills.

For example, Tigo Tanzania – one of the country’s main telecoms providers – has partnered with Apps and Girls in an effort to teach young women essential technology skills.

Meanwhile, Tigo has also donated a number of computers and provided internet connectivity to secondary schools across the country to help equip pupils with the necessary skills for their future careers.

Initiatives such as these show the important role that Tanzania’s private sector – and its telecom providers – can play in unlocking people’s digital skills and initiatives.

As the world of technology continues to evolve, let’s appreciate the support these companies provide to develop our future skills.

Rufina Ndekao,

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