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Friday, 18 January 2019


The state of the continent is good. Africa’s general economic performance continues to improve, but it remains insufficient to address the structural challenges,” A. Adesina

Five policy actions could raise Africa’s total gains to 4.5 percent or GDP, or $134 billion a year

Africa’s general economic performance continues to recover and GDP growth is projected to accelerate to 4.0 percent in 2019 and 4.1 percent in 2020. But improved macroeconomic and employment outcomes require industry to lead growth, according to the 2019 African Economic Outlook report, launched today by the African Development Bank.

Published annually since 2003, the African Development Bank’s flagship report provides headline numbers on Africa’s economic performance and outlook.

The focus of the 2019 report on regional integration for Africa’s economic prosperity, highlights integration for trade and economic cooperation and the delivery of regional public goods.

In opening remarks to diplomats, government officials, policy makers and students gathered at the Bank’s Babacar Ndiaye auditorium in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, Senior Vice President Charles Boamah said even though the report presents daunting challenges, “Africa has the means to overcome them by joining hands together and removing barriers to integration and drivers of migration.”

Guest speakers included Kanny Diallo, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation for the Republic of Guinea and Alma Oumarou, Minister and Special Advisor to the African Union Champion for Regional Integration.

The 2019 African Economic Outlook report analyses gains of regional public goods, including synchronizing financial governance frameworks, opening regional aviation to competition, and facilitating the free movements of people, goods, and services through open borders.


The 2019 report focuses on three key areas - Africa’s macroeconomic performance and prospects; Jobs, growth, and firm dynamism and Integration for Africa’s economic prosperity.

The Bank’s Director of Macroeconomic Policy Forecasting and Research Department, Hanan Morsy, provided participants with the report’s “storyline” and noted that in spite of a rising national debt across Africa, “there is no systemic risk of debt crisis.”

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