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Saturday, 11 August 2018


Ethiopian Airlines should be co-owned by African governments, suggested its Group chief executive Mr Tewolde Gebremariam on Friday.

Commenting on the recently announced privatisation plan by the government for the national carrier, Mr Tewolde said it “would be good if African countries such as Nigeria have a share in the company”.

Addis Ababa is seeking to open up its economy by selling a stake in some of its state-run enterprises such as the airline.

Mr Tewolde, however, cautioned that in the liberalisation strategy, Ethiopian Airlines should not be “treated like other state enterprises set for privatisation.”

He said given the airline's role in connecting Africa, the government should capitalise on that to maintain its position in the continent.

“As a pan-African airline, I don’t see any reason why we should not sell the minority shares of Ethiopian Airlines to African countries if they are interested in buying,” Mr Tewolde said at a press briefing.

He expressed hope that the advisory council on privatisation set up by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed would consider such issues.

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