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Thursday, 8 March 2018


The contractor executing the much awaited TAZARA flyover project is optimistic that he will hand over accomplished works to the Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) come October 31, 2018.

TANROADS and the Japanese company Sumitomo Mitsui Construction company signed a contract on 15 October 2015, for the construction of the flyover in Tanzania under the framework of the grant aid project supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd. SMCC is a prominent company excelling in many land-mark transport infrastructure projects in Asia implemented under the financing of ODA Yen Loans as well as Grant Aid by JICA.

On Tuesday, the company’s resident Engineer, Mr Kiyokazu Tsuji told the Engineers Registration Board (ERB) in Dar es Salaam that the construction of Tanzania’s first flyover at the junction of Nelson Mandela Expresswayand Nyerere road in Dar es Salaam had progressed 80 per cent, exuding confidence that there was a likelihood of accomplishing the construction even before the scheduled October deadline.

ERB board lead by its chairman, Engineer Patric Balozi visited the construction site at TAZARA’s envisaged flyover after which the board expressed satisfaction that the contractor has so far done a satisfactory job from the quality of the set-up structures, considering there are no accidents recorded since the construction began.

“The contractor says the biggest challenge his team is facing is management of the traffic jam as construction is ongoing but we are happy that a lot of work has been done so far,’’ he said.

Traffic congestion in Dar es Salaam is recognized as a severe problem in Tanzania. According to estimates of the National Bureau Statistics (NBS), a total of 411.55bn/- was lost in the year 2013 due to this congestion. The Government of Japan, through JICA, has more than a 30-year-history of supporting the improvement of transport infrastructure in Dar es Salaam, starting from the construction of Salender Bridge in 1980.

The construction work of the Tazara Intersection Project will according to Mr Tsuji ease the congestion especially on the Nyerere road. JICA hopes that the memorable TAZARA fly-over will become a long-lasting symbol in opening a new era of Tanzania – Japan partnership and friendship.

It will contribute to better life of the citizens of Dar es Salaam and for the economic growth of not only Tanzania but also of neighboring landlocked countries. During the visit at the construction site yesterday, the ERB members were happy to see that there were quite a good number of Tanzanians working at the construction site.

Apart from the male engineers, there are also two female local engineers. Prof Osnati Chagga, a board member said ERB had an important programme to have more female engineers in order to curb male domination in the profession.

Daily News

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