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Thursday, 21 July 2016


Monday July 21, 2016 - Africa Online, a Pan-African broadband provider and Avanti Communications, a leading provider of satellite data communications services, has announced that consumer and business customers in Kenya and Tanzania can now benefit from increased downlink speeds to 15Mbps in a move that will improve their satellite connectivity.

Kenneth Munyi, Ag Country Manager, Africa Online Tanzania said the new offering is valid in Kenya and Tanzania for both existing and new service subscribers. “Providing increased value to customers is core to our service offering and the Avanti downlink speeds increase will greatly assist customers to become more productive and save time, “said Mr. Munyi.

Africa Online, in May 2016, announced its renewed contract with Avanti Communications, who appointed the Corporate Broadband Provider as a partner until 2018. Mr. Munyi said that the strong relationship between the two companies has enabled significant growth for Africa Online over the last 18 months. “The contract extension will enable provision of fast, affordable satellite broadband in an effort to assist in bridging the digital divide,”

Available from 1 July 2016, Africa Online expects the East African market to respond positively to the improved satellite connectivity. “Africa is the world’s second fastest economic growth region; and it is common knowledge that connectivity is crucial to its continued growth. By improving the technology implemented, we are working towards improved services overall within several sectors including healthcare, education and social services as examples,” said Munyi.

About Africa Online

Africa Online, part of Gondwana International Networks, is a leading African ISP, offering solutions over satellite, fibre optic and wireless networks. With over 10 years’ experience of deploying VSAT services, Africa Online’s expertise lies in designing, installing and operating networks to suit customers’ requirements. The Group currently services over 67,000 corporate subscribers and over 20,000 consumer subscribers across Sub-Saharan Africa. The consistently award winning Group has a physical presence in 10 countries on the continent and offers services in an additional 34 countries via its distributor channel partners.

For more information contact Africa Online Tanzania Ltd - Tel: +255 784 767788, +255 784 888865 Mail:

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