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Sunday, 24 May 2015


The African Development Bank operates under the leadership of the President, who serves as the legal representative of the Bank, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and the Chief of Staff of the Bank. The President conducts the current business of the Bank, under the direction of the Board of Directors. The President is elected by the Board of Governors and serves a 5-year term, renewable once.

The current President, Dr. Donald Kaberuka, a national of Rwanda, was elected in July 2005, and commenced his first term on 1 September 2005. Following his re-election in May 2010, he commenced his last 5-year term on 1 September 2010.

Meet the candidates

Akinwumi A. Adesina



Date of birth

February 6, 1960

Current position/role

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Previous position/role

Vice-President (Policy and Partnerships), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Academic qualifications

  • PhD  in Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, USA (1988) – Awarded the Most Outstanding PhD Thesis. 
  • Masters in Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, USA (1985)
  • Bachelor’s degree (1st Class Honors) in Agricultural Economics, University of Ife, Nigeria (1981)

Sufian AHMED



Date of birth

May 10, 1958

Current position/role

Minister of Finance and Economic Development of Ethiopia

Previous position/role

Commissioner, Ethiopian Customs Authority

Academic qualifications

MSc, Economic Development and Planning

Jaloul Ayed



Date of birth:

February 6, 1951

Current position/role:

President, MED Confederation

Previous position/role:

  • Minister of Finance, Tunisian Republic
  • Board Member, General Manager, BMCE Bank, Morocco
  • Vice-President, Citibank

Academic qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in Economics, University of Maryland (1979). Elected member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society for academic distinction.
  • Credits obtained at the University of Colorado (1977) and the University of Florida (1978).
  • Bachelor of Science, Economics, Faculty of Law and Economics, Tunis (1976).

Kordjé Bedoumra



Date of birth

January 1, 1952

Current position/role

Minister of Finance and Budget, Republic of Chad

Previous position/role

  • Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Republic of Chad
  • Minister of Planning, Economy and International Cooperation, Republic of Chad
  • Secretary General, then Vice-President in charge of Corporate Services; African Development Bank

Academic qualifications

  • Civil Telecommunications Engineering Degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunication (Sup Telecom), Paris, France, 1979
  • Masters in Electronics, automatic and electro-mechanical from the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France, 1977
  • Management Certificate, HEC, Montreal, Canada, 2005

Cristina Duarte



Date of birth

September 2, 1962

Current position/role

Minister of Finance and Planning

Previous position/role

  • Director, Private sector development and competitiveness program, World Bank Project, Cabo Verde
  • Vice-President and Head of Corporate & Investment Banking Citibank, N.A., Angola

Academic qualifications

  • Master of International Management (MBA International ), Thunderbird, American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona USA, December 1996
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Administration (Post-Graduation), The Economics Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado/USA, 1994 
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Instituto Superior de Economia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal, 1984

Samura M. W. Kamara


Sierra Leone

Date of birth

April 30, 1951

Current position/role

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Previous position/role

Minister of Finance and Economic Development

Academic qualifications

BSc (Econ), MA, PhD

Thomas Z. Sakala



Date of birth

March 3, 1955

Current position/role

Retired from AfDB in October 2014

Previous position/role

Vice-President, Country and Regional Programmes, AfDB

Academic qualifications

BSc Economics (Hons) (1978); MSc Economics (1979), University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

Birama Boubacar Sidibé



Date of birth

June 16, 1952

Current position/role

Vice-President, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Previous position/role:

Managing Director, Shelter Afrique, Nairobi, Kenya

Academic qualifications

Engineer ENGREF, Paris, France, Master of Sciences, Montpellier, France

The Rules of Procedure Governing the Election of the President of the African Development Bank (Article 1), as amended, require that the Bank hold the election of the President during the Annual Meeting closest to the end of the term of office of the serving President. Accordingly, the Board of Governors will be electing Dr. Kaberuka’s successor on 28 May 2015, during the Bank’s Annual Meeting, scheduled to take place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 25 to 29 May 2015.

By Resolution B/BG/2014/06, adopted by the Board of Governors on 22 May 2014, and subsequent follow-up action by Management, as authorized by the Board of Governors, the following are the timetable and procedure fixed for the election for the Office of President:


1 July 2014 - Invitation from the Secretary General of the Bank to all Regional Member State (African) Governors for the submission of candidatures.

30 January 2015, no later than 5:00 p.m., Abidjan, local time - closing date and time for the receipt of candidatures.

10 – 12 February 2015 - meeting of the Steering Committee in Abidjan for the purpose of verifying and confirming candidatures.

20 February 2015 - settlement and publication of the list of duly registered candidates.

20 February 2015 - reminder to all candidates to submit statements of their vision for the Bank in both English and French, the two working languages of the Bank.

20 March 2015, no later than 5:00 p.m., Abidjan, local time - submission of a written statement by each candidate on her/his vision for the Bank in both English and French, the two working languages of the Bank.

27 May 2015, during the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors - dialogue between candidates and members of the Board of Governors.

28 May 2015, during the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors - Election for the Office of President of the Bank.


Each candidate for the Office of President of the Bank shall have the profile prescribed in Article 36 of the Bank Agreement, specifically, that he/she shall be a national of a regional member state and shall be a person of the highest competence in matters pertaining to the activities, management and administration of the Bank. 

Candidatures for the Office of President of the Bank shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Bank, for transmittal to the Steering Committee of the Board of Governors (the "Steering Committee"), by the Governor for the regional member State of which the candidate is a national. The candidature shall be presented by way of a letter from the Governor or by means of the attached Nomination Form duly completed and addressed to the Secretary General. The nomination shall be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae of the candidate. 

Candidatures shall be supported by one or more Governor(s) of regional member State(s). Such support may be given by telefax or electronic mail, addressed to the Secretary General of the Bank, and confirmed by sending a letter or the duly completedForm for Seconding a Nomination, to the Secretary General. 

The Steering Committee shall verify all candidatures to ensure conformity with the criteria for eligibility set forth in Article 36 of the Bank Agreement and the conditions of candidature set forth under the Election Rules. The Steering Committee shall then transmit the list of candidates to members of the Board of Governors on 20 February 2015.

All correspondence regarding the election should be sent to the address below:

Vice Presidency General Secretariat
African Development Bank

01 BP 1387
Côte d’Ivoire
Telefax: +225 20 32 01 70

All email inquiries regarding the process should be directed to

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